Happy new year everybody! In case you are looking for a couple of good resolutions to add to your 2016 list, here’s a bunch of geeky ones coming from software engineering research field
1. Keep your diff low
Diff (short for difficulty) is one of the Halstead complexity measures. It is used to measure the difficulty of the source code of a specific software system.
Moral: try to measure your difficulty level and keep it as low as possible. If you meet a difficult person, try to engage and understand how s/he thinks. It will help you identify you own difficulty level.
2. Keep your effort low
Effort is another Halstead complexity measure. As you probably already guessed it measures the effort one needs to understand the source code of a specific software system.
Moral: do you open up to people? Do you make it easy for them to understand how you think, where you come from? There is a fine line between mystery and perplexity. Make sure you balance them right.
3. Keep your LCOM low
LCOM (abrr. for Lack of cohesion of methods) is a Chidamber & Kemerer metric measuring the cohesion of a class. High levels of the LCOM increases complexity. Also, classes with low cohesion could probably be subdivided into two or more subclasses with increased cohesion.
Moral: the more things you engage with, the less cohesive you are. Try to focus on the things that really matter.