promoting a kinder WWW,
one post at a time!

The game is on!
Wanna be part of a social change, online? Like disrupting things? Have you experienced the world, physical and digital, getting angrier, more sad and pessimistic day by day? Do you feel that the pandemic of COVID-19 is sucking the energy of people around you, leading them to dark thoughts, fear and anxiety?
We have a proposal!
Help us promote kindness online! Counterbalance all of this dread and fear by reporting daily acts of kindness, wherever they come from. Fill the web with content that make people smile, feel warm in the depth of their souls and get anxious to help as many people as they can. Help people feel there is hope again.
How, you ask?
Make a post in the social medium of your choice using the hashtag #webofkindness. You can start right away – and share something on Twitter – by clicking on the following button:
Consume #WebOfKindness
Follow the #webofkindness content around the web-o-sphere: